tiistaina, heinäkuuta 11, 2006

Press release: The first political LGBT association founded in Finland


The first political LGBT (lesbian, gay, bi and transgender) association, Pink Rose, was founded in Finland during the Helsinki Pride 2006 -festival, on Saturday 1st of July 2006. Association Pink Rose is based on Socialdemocratic values and its aim is to enhance discussion about the rights of sexual minorities in Finland, especially among the Socialdemocratic Party (SDP). Altough the position among sexual minority in Finland is rather good, tolerance and attitudes toward LGBT-people are still sometimes hard.

One of the founder and the president of Pink Rose, Mr Jani Ryhänen, says that association that is focused only for LGBT-rights, has been much needed among SDP. ”Background work for Pink Rose has been done since 2003, after three years of hard work, time to found association finally came”. Although one of the main values for SDP is equality and mutual respect of each other, there are still some individuals who do not consider LGBT-issues as part of the equality work. ”The founding of the Pink Rose is an excellent example of a work what people can do by themselves to promote equality in our party” Ryhänen adds. Ryhänen hopes, that comrades in other countries, where there are not yet LGBT-association based for socialdemocratic values, would follow the excample and found their own associations.

Pink Rose is open for everyone dispite persons sexual orientation. In this way Pink Rose wants to stress that fight for LGBT-rights is everyones task, not only for sexual minority themselves. Interest toward new association has been huge: the day Pink Rose was founded, the second vice president of the Finnish Socialdemocratic Party and Minister of Labour, Mrs Tarja Filatov, joined the association. Member of the board of Pink Rose, member of the Finnish Parliament, Mrs Susanna Rahkonen, emphasizes the importance of the association. ”The way how Pink Rose gather people together also outside SDP is an good example of how to modernize old party strugtures” continues Rahkonen.

For the vice president of the Pink Rose was chosen Mrs Sanna Vallinen, other members of the board are Miss Hanna Isbom, Miss Emma Kuntsi, Miss Anna Mäenpää, Mr Nicce Mäkinen, Miss Piia Vaara and Mrs Kaarin Keski-Korhonen Miss Mira Tenhunen, Mr Henri Ruuskanen and Mr Oscar Ortiz-Nieminen. Treasurer for the association was chose Mr Anssi Pirttijärvi, who has been another striving force behind the Pink Rose.

For more information about the Pink Rose give the president of the board, Mr Jani Ryhänen. Tel. + 358 (0)50 537 23 48 or e-mail jani.ryhanen(at)janiryhanen.com / Helsinki, Finland.

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